content strategy

my own, for the next five years or so

👋🏼hello, I’m fabri
founder, investor and advisor


The original OKR behind this experiment read like this:

Launch a media property

- Create at least 26 pieces of content
- Publish on a by-monthly schedule
- Syndicate across at least 3 platforms on a weekly basis

I knew that I had an urge to create something on a small scale and by design create opportunities for self reflection.

Starting a blog and tidying up my social media presence was the first step of that journey. A year into testing things out and below is where I’m landing.

Social media

I use three primary social platforms: twitter, instagram and linkedin. Sporadically I check facebook and sometimes lurk on TikTok.


I love wasting time on twitter, the whole tech-twitter thing is a real life version of HBO’s silicon valley. It’s also a good way to keep in touch with friends and other weirdos you meet along the way.


feeling pretty good about the direction of my instagram as of lately. I’ve locked the account, kept only close friends, deleted all content and started an album-like format where I share my top pics of the last 30 days.

The idea is to turn this into a curated version of my camera roll. Google photos doing similar work with throwback stories, I highly recommend.


I need to give this platform more love in 2020. No excuses.


This blog

I consider this site the hub among all other spokes of my digital life.

A curated look at me, fabri. (use super-mario voice).


Starting with the first album on venice (ca) I want to push myself to create more visual content. The Pixel 3a does as good of a job as my old DSLRs. And photography has played a big part of my young adult life, I don’t wan to give that up.



This year I’ve wrote nine-teen pieces of content 🎉 75% of goal, bright green!

I’ve experimented with v-log style pieces and lecture type formats as well as wrote a couple of essays. I had a blast writing each and every one of them and I’m not intending to stop.

However, quality content takes time to write and I don’t want this to be another job, going forward I will keep the two-slot structure (life story on the 14th and business story on the 28th) but reserve the right to skip either at will.

The goal for 2020 is >20 pieces with >100 unique visitors over a 90-day window. Yes, I have to get better at syndication.

The newsletter will be the only channel where I’d like to keep a more regular schedule. It will be the heart-beat of this publication.


by platform/account my personal content strategy goes as follows:

IG @fabritravels private curated-camera-roll photo album

IG @ricettario_chows public food-log of our culinary escapades

TW @fabritravels lurking on tech and sharing opinions

LI @fabricara sharing professional grade content on a regular basis twice a month (ish) personal/professional growth pieces ad-hoc photo album sharing monthly newsletter round-up

nb. the audience -> me in five years time. a time-capsule if you will