San Francisco, Jan 2019
Patagonia: designer of outdoor clothing
Gucci: fashion luxury brand
Patagucci: wearing Patagonia gear as if it was a Gucci accessory
We’ve recently spent some time in SF as part of our mini-moon to CA
Last time in SF was 3 years ago, my first time. It was magical
When you work in startups, SF becomes a surreal experience almost like a real-life grown-up theme-park
These days however, the most striking feature is its dress code
If you are not wearing some patagucci you are clearly not making the cut
My wife, who loves me dearly, quickly understood my discomfort. Never I’ve been so close to so many of my peers yet felt so much out of place
We immediately rushed to buy a vest made of recycled fabric and some allbirds to go with it, people started smiling at us. The sun peaked from the clouds and we got free food every building we entered
I felt like in an airbnb ad, I belonged there
Life is good when you are privileged, too bad for the constant reminder of normies downtown. Can’t they just learn how to make the world a better place?
👋🏼fabri here, former founder and consultant
working with startups, helping them grow